Kue Dari Singkong - Mata Roda - Kue Tradisional _ Jajan Pasar _ Mengolah Singkong Menjadi Kue Enak - Resep Kue Laris Dijual

Kue tradisional yang satu ini memang tak lekang dimakan zaman. Citarasanya legit, manis dan harum. Membuatnya juga mudah, apalagi bahan dasarnya hanya ubi kayu/singkong.

Resep/Dapur Uji/Food Stylist: Budi Sutomo



500 gr singkung, parut dan peras sedikit airnya
2 sdm tepung kanji
100 gr gula pasir

1/4 sdt vanili bubuk

1 sdt garam halus
6 buah pisang raja/tanduk/kepok
Pewarna merah sesuai selera


100 gr kelapa parut

1/2 sdt garam halus


1. Campur singkung parut dengan tepung kanji, gula pasir, garam dan vanili, aduk rata. bagi adonan menjadi 2 bagian, beri pewarna makanan pada satu bagian adonan dan biarkan putih pada bagian adonan lainnya.

2. Ambil daun pisang, masukkan adonan putih dan merah, ratakan. Beri pisang yang sudah dikupas dan gulung menjadi seperti lontong. Lakukan hingga adonan habis.

3. Panaskan kukusan, kukus adonan yang sudah dibentuk hingga matang. angkat, dinginkan. Potong-potong, sajikkan dengan kelapa parut.
Untuk 20 Potong


* Pilih singkong yang tidak terlalu tua muda agar tidak banyak mengandung serat.
* jika tidak ada daun pisang, aluminium foil bisa digunakan untuk membungkus
* Penambahan tepung kanji akan memberi tekstur lebih kenyal pada kue

* Kelapa parut untuk pelengkap sebaiknya dikupas, dicampur sedikit garam dan dikukus agar tidak cepat bau/bas


Bagi Anda yang ingin mempelajari KUE TRADISIONAL lebih MENDALAM, bisa beli buku ini. Makanan Praktis-Kue Tradisional dan Moderen, karangan saya yang sudah diterbitkan oleh PT.Primamedia Pustaka. Berminat? telpon no berikut 021-5360041- E-Mail: ulj@gramedia-majalah.com


  1. Anonim9:59 PM

    Wah kebeneran banget, udah lama pengen bikin mata roda, browsing resepnya nggak nemu-nemu. Eh kok nongol juga...mau dicoba deh.
    Btw, dulu waktu di SMKK muridnya Ibu Karti dong ya??
    Saya juga orang Purwokerto nih...

  2. Anonim1:47 AM

    Wah...Kalau Orang di Balikpapan manakan kue ini Pisang Air/Sanggar Banyu... dan untuk mengimbangi rasa pahit yg kdg terdapat di parutan singkon, orang kami menambahkan taburan gula pasir diparutan kelapa nya.

  3. Anonim1:47 AM

    Wah...Kalau Orang di Balikpapan manakan kue ini Pisang Air/Sanggar Banyu... dan untuk mengimbangi rasa pahit yg kdg terdapat di parutan singkon, orang kami menambahkan taburan gula pasir diparutan kelapa nya.

  4. Anonim9:09 PM

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  5. Anonim11:39 AM

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  6. Anonim10:13 AM

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  7. Anonim10:19 PM

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  9. Anonim6:17 AM

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  10. Anonim10:47 PM

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  12. Anonim3:05 PM

    He forms the enjoyable and informative articles related to Web Design Company and SEO Company in the UK.

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    many will not be.

  14. Anonim6:39 AM

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  15. Anonim7:35 PM

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    Whether you promote yourself as a solo or business brand (< learn 10 ways to improve your SEO with Google+) Google+ is now a necessity.

  16. Anonim12:15 PM

    It is just the process of making specific search phrases, that are relevant to your website visible high up in the search engine rankings.

    The company can provide online businesses with the means to reach goals and achieve greatly.
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    (< learn 10 ways to improve your SEO with Google+) Google+ is now a necessity.

  17. Anonim3:53 PM

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  18. Anonim1:56 PM

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  19. Anonim2:46 PM

    There are lots of software companies all around the world, one of which is London web agency.
    There are always product demonstrations and distinctive displays unfold
    through Hamleys seven dynamic floors. You can get the contact
    details of the various seo companies by surfing around the globally
    web and create sure that you go through details of the training organization successfully before you be a
    part of your name for having a bright profession ahead.

  20. Anonim9:29 PM

    There are lots of software companies all around the world, one
    of which is London web agency. The company can provide online businesses with
    the means to reach goals and achieve greatly. Many organisations are finding that they have a better outcome when they employ a service
    to perform their London web design as well as Facebook
    development and social media UK options.

  21. Anonim12:31 AM

    He forms the enjoyable and informative articles related to Web Design Company and SEO Company in the UK.
    They would try to make your site famous through
    social networking sites like my space, Facebook, Twitter, Digo, Digg, Delicious,
    etc as a part of their SEO services London. Many organisations
    are finding that they have a better outcome when they employ a service to
    perform their London web design as well as Facebook development
    and social media UK options.

  22. Anonim12:35 PM

    They mainly put their efforts in making space at the page by designing locations of everything,
    including navigation bars, search box and all. They do their level best
    to make a site attractive and beautiful. While it may take
    a little while for changes in design culture to filter out into the more remote regions
    of the UK, London because of its position as the capital city gets to see new concepts first, thanks to a plethora
    of exhibitions and shows dedicated to web design.

  23. Anonim2:55 PM

    Some SEO companies may only offer basic professional SEO services.
    The company can provide online businesses with the means to reach goals and achieve greatly.
    Whether you promote yourself as a solo or business brand (< learn 10 ways to improve your SEO with Google+) Google+ is now a necessity.

  24. Anonim10:44 AM

    You will draw more loyal readers to your site and keep your readers coming back because you are
    sharing the best with them. They do their level best to make
    a site attractive and beautiful. asia expert in providing
    website designing, website development, seo services, website hosting, digital marketing services and offering professional readymade scripts
    without any hesitation work and these Yourneeds.

  25. Anonim2:21 PM

    It is just the process of making specific search phrases, that are relevant to your website visible high
    up in the search engine rankings. They do their level best to make a site attractive and beautiful.
    While it may take a little while for changes in design culture to filter out into the more remote regions of
    the UK, London because of its position as the capital city gets to see new concepts first, thanks to a plethora of exhibitions and shows dedicated
    to web design.

  26. Anonim1:41 PM

    It is just the process of making specific search phrases,
    that are relevant to your website visible high up in the search engine rankings.
    It provides flexible operating here we are at the employees
    and one can have pretty large wage along with the appropriate spare time.
    asia expert in providing website designing, website development, seo
    services, website hosting, digital marketing services and offering professional readymade scripts without any hesitation work and these Yourneeds.

  27. Anonim5:21 PM

    It is just the process of making specific search phrases,
    that are relevant to your website visible high up in the search engine rankings.
    Typically, it's good practice to maintain about
    a 5% usage for your keywords or phrases. By using a service
    that can provide you will all of the various choices, you will save time and
    money getting online and noticed.

  28. Anonim4:24 AM

    So, additional efforts have to be undertaken to develop the visiting
    page of your website. There is absolutely no point in finding one
    of the great London Accountants only to find that they are actually too
    far away from your place of business to be accessible.
    Many organisations are finding that they
    have a better outcome when they employ a service to perform their
    London web design as well as Facebook development and social media
    UK options.

  29. Anonim4:40 AM

    They mainly put their efforts in making space at the page by designing locations of everything,
    including navigation bars, search box and all.
    Typically, it's good practice to maintain about a 5% usage for your keywords or phrases.
    While it may take a little while for changes in design culture to filter out into the more
    remote regions of the UK, London because of its position as the
    capital city gets to see new concepts first, thanks to a plethora of exhibitions and shows dedicated to
    web design.


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