BAHAN – MAYONAISE:2 butir kuning 1 sdt mustard 1 sdt gula pasir ½ sdt garam 250 ml light olive oil / minyak salad 1½ sdm apple vinegar / cuka apel 2 sdm air jeruk lemon ½ sdt lada bubuk BAHAN SALAD: 100 gr daun selada 50 g wortel, potong bentuk korek api 50 g nanas, potong dadu 2 sdm keju parmesan parut CARA MEMBUAT: 1. Masukkan kuning telur dan mustard ke dalam mangkuk, bumbui dengan gula, garam dan merica, lalu aduk hingga tercampur sempurna. Aduk terus, tambahkan setetes kecil minyak dan kocok hingga tercampur sempurna, lalu tambahkan setetes lagi dan lanjutkan setetes demi setetes hingga kuning telur dan minyak menyatu dan mulai mengental; 2. Minyak dan telur harus terus diaduk hingga terbentuk emulsi yang kental dan homogen; 3. Setelah minyak dan telur menyatu, tambahkan minyak sedikit demi sedikit karena menambahkan minyak terlalu cepat akan menyebabkan mayones pecah; 4. Tuang semua sayuran dan buah kedalam mangkuk. Siram dengan saus mayonaise. Atur di dalam piring saji. Taburan keju parmesan parut diatasnta; Hidangkan dingin Untuk 4 porsi
2 pcs of egg yolk
250 ml of light olive oil
1 ½ tbsp of apple vinegar
2 tbsp of lemon juice
1 tsp of mustard
1 tsp of granulated sugar
½ tsp of salt
½ tsp of pepper
150 gr of lettuce
75 gr of carrot, cut lengthwise
100 gr of pineapple, diced
2 tbsp of grated parmesan cheese
1. Tip the egg yolks and mustard into a bowl, season with sugar, salt and pepper and whisk together until completely combined. Whisking constantly, add a small drop of oil and whisk until completely combined, then add another drop and continue a drop at a time until the yolks and oil combine and start to thicken;
2. The oil and eggs must be continuously stirred until a thick and homogeneous emulsion is formed;
3. Once the oil and eggs are come together, add the oil a bit more at a time as adding the oil too quickly will cause the mayonnaise to split and curdle;
4. Place the vegetables and fruit in a bowl. Pour mayonnaise and arrange in the serving plate. Sprinkle grated cheese on top;
Serve cold
For 4 portions